Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 4 Mac - Comments for Dana Kohls

"I have seen many educators take an us against them approach and it is so ineffective. Don't get me wrong, I've needed reminders from friends and others in my life to help me see the WE in situations, where I have otherwise lost sight of it. And I have to testify that it really just feels better when I'm living in the WE. I love Roz's story of her sister. It is a prime example of how we can live in the WE and make the most of situations."


Living in the WE is sometimes something educators have a hard time with. I love how you mention that you have seen many educators take an us against them approach. This is really interesting because just the other day my husband and I were discussing the state of education in America and we both came to the conclusion: Fingers are being pointed and we are failing to see who we are harming... the students. If parents, teachers, administration and the government would take on the WE approach and handle the needs of students then we would have "less" issues within our schools.

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