Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week 1 MAC: Project Blog - Literature Review

I must admit I have never been more vested in a project as I have been with my literature review. It has been a journey that has taught me a lot not only about writing on the graduate level, but truly learning the research that is out there in regards to technology integration.

My literature review is entitled Technology Integration: Teachers in the Classroom & Students Today and is broken up into three parts. They are:

1. Dilemmas Facing the Classroom Teacher
2. Overcoming Challenges
3. Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century Student

The research has shown that teachers are faced with a variety of dilemmas, but the most common one is the lack of training they are receiving to learn how to integrate technology effectively into their lessons. Many school districts are beginning to understand the need to invest properly into technology within all areas including training for teachers and equipment. President Obama and congressional leaders included $650 million in the federal stimulus package for the enhancing education through technology (EETT) state grant program (Hofer, Chamberlin, & Scot, 2010).

The goal is to enhance how the students learns by meeting their needs as digital natives. What they are being taught won't change, but how they being presented the material will through technology. Our world is becoming smaller and it's essential for the educator to understand this.

I want to be able to provide a lot of information/training for teachers at my school, making the tech integration seamless.

Hofer, M., Chamberlin, B. & Scot, T. (2010). Fulfilling the need for a technology integration
specialist. THE Journal, (32) 3, 34-39.

1 comment:

  1. Great thing to be committed to, the difficult part is that to be successful you have to divide your passion for the subject with your passion for your paper. Because of all the revisions needed to craft a good academic paper one has to be able to see the difference between the idea and the work behind the paper and the paper itself. This is a tough thing to learn, but i'm confident that you'll do fine.
