Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week 1 MAC - Comments for Sharon Jones

"I then asked him if he would like to use the notes he had just created and take the standard test everyone else was taking. At first he felt like that would be cheating. We discussed the fact that everything in the notes came from his own brain. I did not ask any questions or prompt him in any way. Once he was sure that this was fair (he is very literal and extremely fair-minded) he turned over the test and began to fill in the answers. He was very proud of himself upon completion of the test, and even chose to answer the bonus essay question. My goal for this student is to work on strategies to reduce his test anxiety, and increase his ability to order his thoughts."


This is an extraordinary situation you are in and one that will be most rewarding. I love how you took him away from the situation to help relieve his anxiety. Writing down notes as he spoke was a great strategy on your part. I even love how he was concerned that it would be considered cheating. This showed his sense of school ethics and morality. WOW! This story is too cute.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

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