Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 1 MAC: Wimba Session - 8/31/2010

It seems that just the other we began our MS-EMDT program. I have come a long way from that first month with MLT class. Ok. I was feeling a little overwhelmed last month with the resubmissions of my lit review. I do like that we have a AR status report because this is going to be a great way to organize myself. The Wimba session has reminded me that we must present our projects on the regional level. I also like that the blog posts are one per week in which directions we are going as far as the progress.


  1. Tamara,

    I am in agreement with you about the resubmissions of the literature review. The changes had me biting my fingernails as well. But as I look back at the process in retrospect, I am grateful that the university staff is tedious and relentless in producing quality students that will further the educational process for not only themselves, but the institution as well. The process allowed me to look at the requirements that the university demands.

    I love the look of your new blog. It really suits you!
