Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 3 MAC: Comments for Jeff Kohls


I am definitely on the fence about a lot of social networking with students. I truly understand that we need to reach the 21st century student, but sometimes I wonder if it's necessary to incorporate social networks into the classrooms. It seems that social networks have cause rifts among students.

On the other hand.... I could see the educational benefits of a network like Twitter. I have trained several of my teachers on using Twitter and it has really brought many of the classes to life. When a teacher posts a question on Twitter and students are tweeting about it, it can really make a difference in how they were retaining the concepts.

Lastly, I agree with you when you say that there really isn't a need to friend a student. I am also a firm believer in technology, but also believe that our professional lives should be kept separate from our personal lives.

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