Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 2 Mac: Collins, Tamara - Free Choice/AR Project

I started making a list of things/needs that I saw were necessary for the teachers at my school. You see we have an enormous amount of technology, but it's never used to its greatest capacity. For example we currently have Promethean Boards in several of the classrooms, but they are merely used to project presentations. So I started to think about what else I can do for the teachers, but be able to use for my AR Project.

I can add a bit more to my series ScreenFlow videos, which can include "How to's"

* creating a blog
* setting up their web pages
* using Twitter for their classroom
* using iGoogle

In addition to the ScreenFlows I can create a series of "How to's" for using the Promethean Boards

* The basics of the board
* Creating FlipCharts

Lastly, I can work with more UDUTU's

* Tweak and use the UDUTU I created in LMO class
* Create additional ones with teachers at my school.

Ultimately I would house all of this information on school website under our staff section. This would fit with my AR Problem Statement: To help the teachers in the Primary/Elementary academy of our K-8 school become better skilled in using technology in their classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Great list, it's so important to have meaningful assessment and examination of ones process.
