Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 4 Mac - The Art of Possibility: CH 10-12

The book The Art of Possibility never fails to surprise and engage me all in one sitting. The first chapter discusses the tenth practice of “Being the Board.” Placing the blames is something that educators come across on a daily basis. This practice correlated perfectly to a special I watched on MSNBC today. MSNBC show cases a town hall meeting for teachers called "Education Nation." Teachers were given the opportunity to discuss what they felt were the major issues. The common answer was teachers being blamed for the state of education in America.

Now what struck me most when reading through the chapters was of course "the WE story." I couldn't help but think about the many "WE stories" we come in contact with on a daily basis, but have yet to stay within the moment recognizing that it's not about "me." Our students connect us all in the "WE story."

1 comment:

  1. Don't get me started with MSNBC's Education Nation... I'm glad that education is part of the current dialog but i'm not impressed with the continued politicalization of the issues.
